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APAD is a Community Based Organization formed in 2002 to contribute towards resolution of the inherent problems that affect nomadic pastoralist communities of Loima and cross-border Districts of Karamoja cluster. APAD is made up of 30 members drawn from Loima District of the Larger Turkana County.  The Organization is in the process of transitioning from a CBO into a National Non Governmental Organization (NGO). APADs constituency is composed of pastoralist individuals and groups.  The organization aims to address the root causes of continued marginalization of the pastoralists as manifested in serious inadequacy of social and physical infrastructure and facilities, low levels of participation in public life of the greater Kenyan society, insecurity, poverty and high illiteracy levels among others.



An empowered, secure and dignified society



APAD exist to mobilize and organize communities to implement transformational community programmes through effective resource mobilization, community empowerment and promotion of active participation in public policy and development processes



  • Integrity
  • Transparency and accountability
  • Fairness, justice and equity
  • Respect for human dignity
  • Commitment to what we do
  • Environmental consciousness




APAD’s mandate is to mobilize community members and resources to participate in development processes to alleviate all forms of indignity and human suffering.



  • To empower communities especially the poor and voiceless to effectively participate in public decision making and development processes.
  • To work in partnership with communities and development actors to reduce human suffering
  • To promote peace, security and harmonious co-existence of all communities
  • To ensure cost effectiveness and efficiency in resource allocation, management and use



APAD focuses on addressing the root causes of poverty through programmes in the following thematic areas:

  • Peace-building,Governace and conflict Transformation
  • Sustainable Livelihoods and Food security
  • Small Micro-Enterprises Development
  • Research and Advocacy & Governance.


APAD’s implements most of its programmes in Turkana County, with engagements in cross border initiatives and national level policy and advocacy engagements, especially with Uganda (North Eastern/Karamoja), South Sudan (EES) and Ethiopia (South Omo Region).



Membership to APAD is open to adult Kenyan citizens as individuals; currently there are 30 members mainly drawn from the Greater Turkana County.

This is full desplay of the pictures of the area on which the APaD covers in Turkana County at large. It therefore includes the Photos Turkana Peoples, animals , Lake Turkana , Plains and many others.

The late  created this map himself  because he new all root causes of the  conflict  in Turkana among the Pokot and Turkana, Dodoth and turkana , Merile and Turkana. He worked in all the areas around the Turkana county  and this as made him know all the conflicts points.

Therefore, he decided to create this map for easy  and notification of the conflicts points in Turkana county.

The maps show how Turkana is being surrounded by the enemies from all the corners of the country,being attacked from the other  countries and even being attacked its neighboring communities. This is what the Late tried to make know that Turkana  is not in a safer side without peace.

To this  to see this MAP please click here Conflict map[1]

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